Sunflowers and Sweet Potatoes

Farm Happenings

Sunflower Field
Sunflower Field BrynTeg Farm

Happy Sunday, Farm Friends,

The rain has arrived! It's a pretty rain--slow and steady. Just the type of rain we need. If you want a little bit of sunshine still, pictures from our sunflower field will provide some cheer.

As we go into fall, here are several farm highlights that need to be shared.

  • The sunflower field at the farm (which Farmer Gary planted, by the way) inspired my sister Bretta Butterly. She took the inspiration and released a warm up & photo reference guide. Check out this digital guide here.

  • Microgreen CSA sign up is open! This CSA is for 3 months: November, December, and January. You will receive 2 shares a month. As we go into our late fall and winter months, having something fresh and green is very refreshing! Learn more here and sign-up here.

  • Cranberries... yes, keep watching for our pre-order signup. We will again offer organic, dry-harvested cranberries from a Wisconsin farm. These cranberries have proven to be a special add-on to our farm offerings each year. More info coming soon!

Enjoy the rainy, fall day,
(The Farmers' Daughter)

A Bit of Farm in Your Inbox

P.S. Our sweet potatoes are harvested! We finished yesterday, and Farmer Gary immediately rotovated the field, mulching the cut off vines into the dirt.

Our Farm to Your Kitchen


Sweet Potate Fingerlings

- Small and easy to work with

- Don’t peel them. Eat the skin.

- Roast them. Steam them. Fry them. Grill them.

$2.99 - 1 pound
$5.49 - 2 pounds
$10.99 - 5 pounds
Order here

Farm Recipes: Sweet Potato Fries